About us

We see a future where the forces of AI, IoT, AR, and VR come together to propel human-computer interaction to new levels. A world where man and machine intelligence work together for mutual benefit and technology empowers people, rather than pacifies them.

The Knowledge Metaverse

The Knowledge Metaverse is the merger of the internet and the real world as it pertains to academic studies and practical career training.

By the year 2030, the AR and VR industry is expected to boost the global GDP by $1.5 trillion.

These impressive market figures, the growing interest of the big tech in the metaverse, and the surge in the demand for
augmented reality-based devices indicate that in the coming years, our world is likely to get more involved in the virtual world.

Billion USD

CHO Thavee PLC

Mobility Tech Riders

CHO Thavee PLC. We never stop exploring new possibilities. Therefore, investing in future technologies synergizes our goals towards Metaverse / AR & VR Technology / Fintech / DeFi / Token / NFT

Cho Thavee are now ready to ride the tide of digital technology as “the mobility tech company” and be part of the global efforts to drive the world forward sustainably.

EON Reality

EON Reality, the global leader in Augmented and Virtual Reality-based knowledge and skills transfer for industry and education, is proud to unveil the release of EON-XR, the brand new all-encompassing solution for both academic and enterprise institutions. EON Reality is excited to announce this new XR platform,

In the workforce

Workforce productivity growth has slowed to a snail’s pace. The productivity growth rate in US from 2005-2014 was half that of the preceding decade. Slow productivity growth leads to poor economic growth and stagnant wages which can have serious social and political repercussions. A key to maintaining high productivity growth rates is educational attainment and development of human capital. A growing shortage of skilled technology workers is resulting in an increasing gap between job openings and hires. For example, 2 of the 3.5 million new US manufacturing jobs will go unfilled over the next decade.

In the classroom

Workforce productivity growth has slowed to a snail’s pace. The productivity growth rate in US from 2005-2014 was half that of the preceding decade. Slow productivity growth leads to poor economic growth and stagnant wages which can have serious social and political repercussions. A key to maintaining high productivity growth rates is educational attainment and development of human capital. A growing shortage of skilled technology workers is resulting in an increasing gap between job openings and hires. For example, 2 of the 3.5 million new US manufacturing jobs will go unfilled over the next decade.